中 华 友 谊 学 术 会
Chinese Friendship and Scholarship Association

President Bigang Min Bigang Min is with Cray Inc, a supercomputer company since 2012. He earned his PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Texas Arlington in 2005, and was elected as the senior member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in 2009. Born and raised in China, Bigang is married with one daughter.

He can be reached at minbigang@gmail.com
Vice President Cultural/Social Affairs Reiko, Shinno PhD Contact Reiko at shinnor@uwec.edu
Treasurer Simei Tong PhD Simei Tong was born and grew up in Shanghai, China. In 2002, she became a faculty in the mathematics department of UWEC. In addition to her job, she has been passionate in promoting friendship between China and U.S. She was the cofounder of the CFSA in 2005.

Contact Simei at tongs@uwec.edu
Secretary Wayne Carroll PhD Wayne Carroll is a Professor of Economics at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, where he has taught for more than twenty-five years. He has taught courses (in English) at Jinan University in Guangzhou and has visited China several times.

Contact Wayne at carrolwd@uwec.edu